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Housing Revenue Account Social Housing Stock
Source: /dataset/housing-revenue-account-social-housing-stock-2015 The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal sector level. The data is based on the valuations by Norfolk Property Services (1st April 2014). The market values are in the opinion of the valuers the best sale price that could be obtained for the property at the time of valuation. The adjusted Existing Use Value – Social Housing (EUV-SH) represents the assumption that the properties have sitting tenants with potentially below market value rents and statutory rights such as right to buy. The valuations are not an indication or suggestion that tenancies should be ended to realise the market value.
Barrow Borough Council

Dataset renditions

Title Format Type Availability Active Schema
Social Housing Stock 2014 text/csv Data Yes
Social Housing Stock 2015 text/csv Data Yes
Social Housing Stock 2016 text/csv Data Yes
Social Housing Stock 2017/18 text/csv Data Yes
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