LG Inform Plus
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Council house bids and lettings
A dataset providing the number of bids per letting, by year, area, property type. Also contained is information about the winning applicant's housing priority and the year in which they were awarded that priority. High level priorities A refers to an applicant who has an urgent need to move, e.g. domestic violence, homelessness, serious medical issue, leaving armed forces. A+ refers to when an applicant has 2 or more Priority A requirements to move, e.g. serious medical issue AND domestic violence. B refers to an applicant who has a non-urgent need to move, e.g. overcrowded, minor medical issue, homeless but has accommodation. C refers to an applicant who has no priority status to move. Please note This dataset was produced as a one off for the city intelligence innovation lab. To find out about the lab click here: https://datamillnorth.org/dataset/city-intelligence-innovation-lab
Leeds City Council

Dataset renditions

Title Format Type Availability Active Schema
18/02/2016 text/csv Data Yes
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