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Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds
Directly Age Standardised Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then be compared for different areas, or even across area types. Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether rates could overlap or are significantly different. Wide confidence intervals are indicative of small numbers in the numerator or of very skewed age structures. Rates of course cannot be summed, and because they are age standardised cannot be reverse engineered back to counts without knowing the age of every patient in the data when their condition was recorded. Source is Leeds GP data collection programme.
Leeds City Council

Dataset renditions

Title Format Type Availability Active Schema
Diabetes rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
Adult smoking rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
Cancer rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
COPD rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
CHD rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
Adult obesity rates 1/7/12 - 31/10/17 text/csv Data Yes
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