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Leeds schools energy costs
This dataset lists the costs and consumtion of gas and electricity of all schools in Leeds (council managed or otherwise) which use/used the Leeds City Council (LCC) energy contract supplied by Engie UK. Please note Comsumption values are in Kilowatt hours (kWh). The council's current supplier of electricity and gas is Engie UK. The council and Engie work in partnership to identify times when the price for the raw commodity (electricity or gas) is competitive on the market. The council will buy a specific volume based upon price and the shape of our consumption over the year. On top of this, Engie will bill the authority for any associated costs such as distribution, network, transmission etc. plus an administration fee. These costs will then be reflected in the overall cost of the commodity at each site. Not all schools have opted to use the council supplier for energy. Where this is the case the school will procure their own contract with a supplier and the council will not hold any data regarding their consumption or costs. Any enquiry regarding this will need to be directed through the school's Business Manager. Some schools may transfer into or out of the LCC contract part way through a financial year which will mean that that the data held by the council will not reflect a full financial year. This dataset only shows the costs and consumption of energy whilst the school is/was on the LLC contract. Some schools may have more than one meter (for different parts of the building or where they are transferring to smart meters) in which case the data for all meters is indicated in the dataset.
Leeds City Council

Dataset renditions

Title Format Type Availability Active Schema
2015/16 - 2016/17 (Gas) text/csv Data Yes
2015/16 - 2016/17 (Electricity) text/csv Data Yes
2015/16 - 2016/17 (Gas) application/vnd.ms-excel Data Yes
2015/16 - 2016/17 (Electricity) application/vnd.ms-excel Data Yes
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